Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Greatest Lie Ever Told!

What is the 1st and greatest lie ever told?   Satan said, " You shall NOT surely die!" and the Church and all humanity has believed that lie ever since.  Let me explain:

The first Adam was a living soul.  God breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life and that life (soul)  of the air breathing animal or man resides in the blood.  All air breathing animals have soul (life) and just like humans that breathe air that life (soul) is in the blood.  For that reason we were forbidden to eat or drink blood, but rather to pour it upon the ground.  What gives us soul life is the breathe of God and when we die the breathe of God returns to God.  This is NOT Eternal Life.  This is only natural life, soul life, borrowed from God's breathe.  When we die the life  (soul/breathe) returns to God.  Only God has Eternal Life,  His Spirit alone is Immortality.  Soul does not equal immortality, Spirit does.

Here is the lie:  You shall not surely die.  Your soul will live forever somewhere either in heaven or hell.  (lie)

Adam was bared from access to Eternal Life residing in the Tree of Life.  Without the Tree of Life NO ONE has eternal life.  We all die, i.e. cease to exist. Satan says "You shall NOT surely die" and we bought that lie it hook line and sinker and preach it every week in the high places called pulpits.

Let me give some examples of how we bought this lie.  #1. "Adam was created with the Spirit of God and the day he ate of the fruit he died spiritually".  (lie) Not Bible!  The first man Adam was living soul and the 2nd Adam a Life Giving Spirit.  We are not born with Spirit Life for that is the gift of God.  We are born like the animals with soul life and we die (cease to exist) exactly as do the animals. IF A = B and B=C then A=C

Lie #2:  "Man is a 3 part person, body soul and spirit." (lie)  We are born Adamic with soul life until we receive the Spirit of God in New Birth.  Then there is Body, Soul, and Spirit.  Without New Birth we have only soul life and the soul that sins shall die.  All have sinned thus all shall die exactly as do all animals that have soul.  IF A = B and B=C then A=C

Satan says: "You shall NOT surely die"  #3. Religion says your soul lives forever somewhere thus agreeing with Satan we don't die.  Religion teaches us the immortality of the soul (lie)  which the Bible does not teach.  For some reason we understand the animals with soul die but we don't.  We believe the great lie.   "We shall NOT surely die".

#4 The Hindu and Buddhist believe we will come back in another life.  (believing the lie)

#5 The Spiritualist believe God is in everything, thus we are God and we will never die because God never dies.

#6 The Christian believes the soul will never die but continue to live somewhere / heaven or hell for all eternity.  

The Bible teaches the soul dies and only Jesus has immortality.

If we correctly taught God's Word we would teach men that without God in them do not have Eternal Life and  they will die someday.  Unless we are born again of Spirit Life we have no Eternal Life in us (The Tree of Life) and we will die.  No, instead we have concocted a mixture of Greek mythology of Hades,the god of the underworld, and the underworld  where all the souls of men never die but will exist in Paradise or Torments for all eternity, we shall NEVER die our soul lives forever!   The Great Lie!  

Instead of telling men the truth that sets them free and gives them Eternal Life (Immortality), we dangle them over flames of torments forever and ever time without end, thus  lying on God and showing God to be some terrible unforgiving being!  Shame on us!  Who could torture men time without end for never hearing, knowing or believing the Gospel?  Not my God!  

The soul that sins shall die.  It shall Not live forever somewhere but it shall die.  That is what God said.  Who then do you believe? 

Be blessed, BW 

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