Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given

Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given....

There are a couple things that we do know about His birth. Number one is that He was not born in the winter because the Word says the shepherds were in the fields with their flocks.  Secondly we know that He was not born in the center of "organized religion", Jerusalem.   

There is no place on the earth more religious than Jerusalem.  Here the Christians all have the roots of their religion along with the Jews and of course the Muslims. All are laying claim to Jerusalem as the mother of their religion.  Every one in the world lays claim to their religious birth place as Jerusalem and Jerusalem is the center of their religious activities, except for one.

It should be a curious fact for us to observe that He was not born in the center of religious activity.  He did not ride in on fiery chariots in the same manner as Elijah left out.   He did not come from a royal linage of High Priest or human kings.  He was not herald  from the street corners of Jerusalem: "the King is born".  

It has always amazed me that when someone claims to be a believer in Yeshua he is automatically labeled "religious".  Being a believer and being religious are as far apart as night and day.  I have spent the last few days expressing the historical origins of our modern day religious traditions and I want to assure you that all believers are NOT steeped in religion.  You need not be religious to be a believer.

Seems to me the God in His Wisdom made a startling revelation to us in the birth of Jesus.   In stead of the Son being born in the center of world's religion, in Jerusalem, He was born 6 miles south of "organized religion" in a tiny town called Bethlehem.  Bless God in His Wisdom! 

Paul talked to us in Hebrews about the necessity of us going to Him "outside the camp" (organized religion) and  The Book of Revelations warns us to come out of Her (Secret Babylon) and be not a partakers of Her sins.  Coupled with the fact that Jesus was not born in Jerusalem,  what is God trying to say to us?

Seems the handwriting is on the wall and there for all who have eyes to see.  The finger of God has taught us that being a believer does not make us "religious".  Some of us live 6 miles south of religion.

Be blessed, Billy and Jan 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Found Faithful

Inline image 1
Found Faithful

Abram, later Abraham, was called of God to separate from his land, home and family and to follow God to a new living way.  He was found faithful in that he obeyed.

Our question as Christians is not are we religious but are we true followers?  There are many roads in life and many seem to be the right road, but that was never the question with God.  The question has always been: will you leave all and follow Me?  

Abraham left father and mother and struck out in search of a city with foundation.   He never found that city in his mortal life but that did not deter his determination to be a follower of God.  He was found faithful.

We live in an age of the "lukewarms",  where following is never the question but where sitting more accurately describes us.   Our lives should not be consumed with brick and mortar but with a Living Experience of God.  

As Don Williams said in one of his songs:  I dont believe that God waits only for those who congregate.

Let us leave off the traditions of our fathers (leave father and mother and lands) and follow the Spiritual leading of God in the the Land of Promise (the Spirit-led life). 

Be blessed, Billy and Jan 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Not Pastor like you think

New International Version
And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. 1 Cor 12:28

I might draw your attention to the fact "pastor" was not mentioned.  Opps! God did not give to the church what we call "pastor", but rather He gave to us the work of shepherding to a group of men in any assembly that so desired it and qualified for that position.  The position was that of an elder and not a "little king".  The position was plural and not singular. It was a group of men who was appointed by other men whose function in the assembly was to feed the sheep, tend for them, watch for their safety.  It was a servant's position and not one of a ruler!

We have created of our own "pastor" by making a entire system from a word found only once in the New Testament.  Our modern pastor role is more patterned like the role of a papal priest than a Book of Acts elder.  Shame on us for not reading with understanding.   

Let me say, if you get the top wrong the all that follows will be wrong also.  If the cornerstone of our faith is built upon the wrong layout then the whole building will be structured wrong.  Skewed

The modern pattern of our "pastor and church" is completely out of balance with the pattern given us by the Book of Acts apostles.   They met house to house, breaking bread (for a meal), continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and in fellowship.   They did not build little priestly kingdoms for themselves to rule over.  It was not more about money and control than helping the poor and the widow.  It was not based upon the vanity of belonging but about the sacrifice of self!

If the pattern is wrong then the building is wrong.  Some still think God will reform Babylon but let me echo the voices of those gone before me:  God will not reform Babylon but will call His people out.  Out of darkness into light.  Out of bondage into liberty.  Out of Egypt into Israel.  Out of slavery into Promise Land.   Come out of Her, My People, and be not a partaker of Her sins.  Rev 18:4

Be blessed, Billy and Jan 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

What Every Christian Should Know About Paying Tithes

The following things all modern Christians should know about tithes or paying tithes:

1. Tithes were only paid to the Levites.

2. Tithes were only paid to the Levites when Israel was in their own land.

3. Only farmers and herdsmen paid the tithe.

4. The poor were exempted from the tithe.  The 10th animal that passed under the rod, so a man with only 3 animals paid nothing.

5.  The tithe was never paid in money.

6.  Abraham only paid tithe one time on the spoils of of one war and not one cent of his own money.

7.  Modern Israel does NOT pay the tithe today, because there is no Levite to receive it.  The Jew is smarter about the tithe than most Christians.

8.  Not one example exists where tithes were paid or collected by the Book of Acts Church.

9.  Modern tithe paying in Christian church is disportionately a greater burden to the poor.   A man who only earns $1,000 per month suffers more than a man who earns $10,000 per mon by being taxed 1/10.

10. A dead man is freed from the Law of the Tithe and we died in Christ.  We are free and not under bondage of the tithe.

11. Tithing did not come to the Christian Church until 700 years after Calvary.

12.  The New Testament Church is admonished to remember the poor, orphans and widows and no mention of the Church paying tithes is recorded in the entire New Testament.

13.  If a pastor receives the tithe in money according to the Law of Moses then he violates the Law of the Tithe as only a Levite is commission by God to receive the tithe.

14.  Malachi 3:6 is taken out of context.  The New Testament Christian does not buy a blessing by paying tithes.  We are blessed in Jesus because of Grace not buying a blessing.

15.  Jesus never asked for nor received a tithe.  He was from the tribe of Judah not Levite.

The modern practice of taxing the people of God under the burden of the so called "tithe" is not Biblical nor correctly dividing the Word of Truth, but is a perversion of the Good News.  Remember the "poor" does not mean the "poor pastor".

Thursday, October 3, 2013

We sit as slaves in the land of plenty

Nehemiah 9: 36 “So now today we are slaves in the land of plenty that you gave our ancestors for their enjoyment! We are slaves here in this good land.  37 The lush produce of this land piles up in the hands of the kings whom you have set over us because of our sins. They have power over us and our livestock. We serve them at their pleasure, and we are in great misery.”

This passage is Nehemiah's prayer and yet speaks to us today.  We sit as slaves in the Land of Plenty while our kings pile up lush riches while exercising power over us.  

Let me explain:  It should be abundantly clear to us that we do not walk in the fullness of spiritual maturity.  We are sitting as slaves under the kings/ pastors who live lush plush lives at the expense of the poor.  Slaves in the land of plenty.  They exercise authority over us and all that we own by taxing us unfairly.  How, you say?

There is a system of tithe paying in the modern church that is unjust to the poor.  The kings get richer while at the same time increasing the suffering of the poor.

  We are required to give a 10th of our income to the king.  That is fine for the rich man but unjust when it comes to the poor man.  Under the Law of Moses the poor were exempt from the tax of the tithe but not so at Big Church.

If a man only makes $1,000 per month and is required to pay $100 to the king then he is unfairly taxed compared to the man who makes $10,000 and is taxed $1,000. The poor man must try to live off $900 per month compared to the the rich man who is forced to live off $9,000 per month.  Where is the justice in that?

Under Moses Law it was every 10th animal that passed under the rod.  So a man with only 3 sheep paid no tax.  

We sit as slaves in the land of plenty while our kings have million dollar salaries, live in mansions and fly around in private jets, wearing $1,000 suits.  The sad thing is that we support that with a slave mentality.  We go, we sit, we pay.  We serve them at their pleasure and are in great misery. 

The Messenger

Sunday, April 14, 2013

"I Have No Man"

Jesus came to the pool of Bethesda and approached a man afflicted with palsy and asked him if he wanted to be healed.  The man's reply was: " I have no man!"  John 5

Can you imagine? The God of the Universe that stills the storms, raises the dead, walks on water, causes mountains to quake,  killed Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea asking this poor man if we wanted something as small as a healing and the response was "I have no man!"  ??

Jer 17:5  “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD.

Have we not done the exact same thing?  The Lord is willing to come directly to each of us in our need to meet and and to exceed it, yet we rather trust in a man!  

The Lord says He will lead us and speak to us directly and teach us the way we are to go but our answer is "NO!  Thanks, but I have a man!"
Our reliance is in the arm of flesh and not in the leading ability of the Spirit of All Mighty God.  

The plan of God was for the Church in the Wilderness under Moses' leadership to go in and inherit the Promise Land, the land flowing with milk and honey.  Nope! they said!   We are no match for the inhabitants of this land and the walled cities.  They had unbelief in the ability of God to lead and they would rather trust a man!  10 faithless spies!

There are many who believe the Promise Land is heaven and the Jordan River is death.  Not so.  The Jordan River is the Baptism of the Spirit and the Promise Land is the land of inheritance where we fight giants, destroy the walled cities and set up the kingdom for the rule of David, our King.   Are we going to fight giants in heaven?  No! Besides all that, the earthly Kingdom of God will be established on this earth for 1,000 years with King David (Jesus) sitting on the throne in Jerusalem ruling the nations with a rod of iron!  The Kingdom of Heaven will come to earth.

Well, the Church of the Lukewarms can't say "they have no man".  We all have our "man" (pastor).  We have idolized them putting them on elevated pedestals of our worship and adoration.  We pay them homage and money!   We are men worshipers.  We don't need the Spirit of the Living God to lead us from within, for we get our instructions by sitting on padded pews!  We are not going to inherit the Promise Land because we are too busy building men's kingdom (pastor's kingdom)  and towers (denominations) that reach to heaven and a name for ourselves (Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal).  We are Spiritual Babylon!  Moses-worshippers, men pleasers, lukewarm followers of "our man".

Wake up and hear His knock on our door and open to Him and He will be the voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it!  He will be the "voice" and not someone else.

He would lead but who will follow?

Be blessed, Billy and Jan 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White Smoke, Black Smoke or all Smoke and Mirrors

Q:  Would love for you to address the issues of the Pope.  There is so much attention towards that now.  Is this biblical? 

Interesting you should ask, as this has been on my mind constantly and I have wanted to do something timely on the matter.  

Lets start here:  Rev 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.
Rev 2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate

I have been in this "way" for over 40 years and I have yet to hear even one preacher preach about the "doctrine of the Nicolaitanes".  Not even one!  Wonder why?   Is it because if you are a part of it then how can you speak against it?
Nico  (to rule over)
Laitanes (laity) 

The doctrine of clergy ruling over laity.  A "caste system" in the Church.  
Let's hear what Jesus said about this:
24When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. 25Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,

"It is not to be so with you" (lording and exercising authority over).  In other words, in the Church there shall not be anyone lording over to exercising authority over you like the gentiles do to each other.  You want to be master then be a slave, and follow His example.  

We have an entire religious system built upon Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priest, Pastors, Elders, etc all exercising authority in their pretended positions.  This doctrine God hates.  Why does He/God put up with it?  Easy to explain.  He said that heresy (false teaching) must be among you so that those that are approved can be manifested.  I cor 11:19.  In other words, God allows false teaching (wheat and tares growing together) so that we always have a choice:  God's way or our way.

What does all this mean to us.  There is no big I and little you in the Kingdom of God.  If I wear a robe, my collar backwards, and put DDD behind my name or Rev. before it it makes no difference to God.  God is not impressed with men's positions nor titles nor our "caste systems" of clergy and laity, but with true worshipers.  

You dont have to obey me because " I am the man of God called to pastor this church".  Baloney.  There is no such verse in the Bible "called of God to pastor this church".  This is a tradition (pastor over congregation)  we picked up from the Mother Whore with her priest system and brought it with us when we went into bondage to Spiritual Babylon.  

Now saying all that we have come to the real question:  You want to know what I really think? 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Questions the Trinity Doctrine Can't Answer

1.  How many Almighty's are there?  By definition there is just One Almighty.  Isa 9:6

2.  Who was Jesus mother before Bethlehem?

3.  How can the Son be the Father?  Isa 9:6

4.  How can the Second Person in the Godhead die?  Can God die?

5.  How can God not know what God knows?  Matt 24:36

6.  Who is the Father?  The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived.

7.  Can God pray to God?  How can 2nd God ask 1st God to do something and still be God Himself?

8.  Why can't the Trinity Doctrine be understood when the Godhead is clearly seen and understood? Rm 1:20

9.  Is Jesus in the Godhead or is the Godhead in Jesus?  Col. 2: 9

10. If the Son is the 2nd Person in the Godhead how can 2nd God have a beginning and ending?  Ps 2:7 and  I Cor 15:24 .

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wilderness Christians

The longer I am on this road of Light the more clearly I can see.  It has truly become the shining light on the path that grows brighter and brighter until that perfect day.  

Satan does not care if we go 3 days in the wilderness to worship God, just don't leave bondage, be sure to come back!  

If there is one thing for sure: we cant see ourselves in the lives of the Church in the Wilderness (natural Israel).

Egypt was bondage (a type of sin).   God's plan was to bring His people out of bondage into the Promised Land.  In between Egypt and Promise Land was the Wilderness.  In the Wilderness God spoke to His people about His Law and wrote them on hard tables of stone to match their hearts.   Moses was their leader to take them out to bring them in.   They were to go from Egypt  to the Promised Land without delay, but because of their unbelief and unwillingness to hear God they all marched around in the Wilderness behind their Moses leader till they all dropped dead in the Wilderness!   (Oh, but if we could only see ourselves!)

God calls us out of bondage to sin into the liberty of the Spirit.  Out of Darkness into His Light.  Out of Egypt into His Promised Land.  Between Egypt (life of sin) and the Promised Land (the Spirit-led life) we encounter the Wilderness of Worship.  We were never suppose to live in the Wilderness but to go in and possess the Promise Land.  (not heaven!) 

Now let me paint the picture in the Spirit of what I see:  We are brought out of Egypt into our Wilderness where we have our Moses/pastor teaching us all the things of God.  He hears from God for us and tells us what God said.  We receive the order of Worship and the Laws of God written in our hearts in the Wilderness but the plan of God is for us to leave the Wilderness and to go into the Promise Land of the Spirit-led life.  

Not us!  We get behind our Moses/pastor and follow him around and around the Wilderness of Worship until we all fall dead.  We never enter in to the Promise Land.  We die in the Wilderness of Worship.  We have reduced our service to God to 1 hour on 1 day a week, where we go to sit and watch and listen and pay.  We are never taught to walk in the Spirit, to hear from God and to enter into the Work of Our Ministry.  We waste away in the Wilderness (Wilderness Christians) refusing to hear God directly, to obey in faith and to move into the Spirit-led life.  

The saddest part of all is our Moses/pastor wants it that way. " Don't ever leave the Wilderness of Worship.  Sit here and stay saved till Jesus comes. " 

Spiritual Babylon is alive and well in our Wilderness Churches with our Moses/pastors.  

Let's hear the Spirit speaking,  "Come out of her, my people, and be not a partaker of her sins!"  Wow! 

Be blessed, Billy and Jan

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Spirit of Babylon

The Spirit of Babylon started with Nimrod and the tower of Babel and will end with Mystery Babylon and the Anti Christ.

The Spirit of Babylon is man's united efforts led by Satan to thwart God in Judgement and Power.  

Let's us make for ourselves a name:  World Rulers and Denominations. 

Let us build a tower to heaven:  Escape God's judgement by our own method of salvation.  

It will conclude with the Anti Christ and His false teacher ruling the world.  Satan, man and religion all  teamed up together for world rule and worship.  (think about that) 

Spirit of Babylon is rampant with idol worship.  The worship of ANYTHING before God is idol worship.  Aside from the fact that the Catholic Church is steeped in the worship of men and women in the form of statues/idols ( and we are daughters of the Mother Church) we too are involved in the spirit of idolatry not so much statues but attitudes:  with the worship of men (preachers)  denominations, and buildings all in the name of God..  The Spirit of Babylon and idol worship is firmly entrenched in the modern Church.   (we just cant see it)  

Just as Israel was allowed by God to go into captivity of Babylon because she would not follow God with a whole heart, we too have been in captivity of the Spirit of Babylon since the 3rd century BC.  When Satan married the Church and darkness settled over our eyes.

While Israel was still captive by the Beast (the Golden Head and Silver chest) the call went out to rebuild the Temple.  Most of Israel stayed in bondage while the rebuilding of the Temple began.  So is it with the Church.  God is restoring His people but only a few have come out of Her and ceased participating in Her sins.   (We refuse to go to Him outside of the Camp and suffer His reproach.  we love padded pews)  

In the Last Days men will have a form of godliness but without power.  Could anything be more obvious than the form of worship we have inherited from the fathers?   We have reduced God worship to one hour on Sunday morning.  Powerless to effect real change in a man's life.

Among the list of nations were the Ethiopians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, ... In many ancient cultures parents would sacrifice their own children... In times of of trouble they offered their best and dearest to the gods, 'the fruit of their body.  We too offer our children upon the altars of abortion.  The killing of children is the norm now in America.  Babylon is both Spiritual and Natural, that is the deception.

The True Worship of God is not a place we go or a thing we do on a weekly schedule but rather complete and total being of the active presentation of self to God as only a reasonable sacrifice.  

It is high time those that have ears to hear and eyes to see to come out of Her and stop participating in her sins.  When we give our money and our allegiance to a system of idolatry we are active participants in Her sins.  

Be blessed, Billy and Jan