Sunday, April 14, 2013

"I Have No Man"

Jesus came to the pool of Bethesda and approached a man afflicted with palsy and asked him if he wanted to be healed.  The man's reply was: " I have no man!"  John 5

Can you imagine? The God of the Universe that stills the storms, raises the dead, walks on water, causes mountains to quake,  killed Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea asking this poor man if we wanted something as small as a healing and the response was "I have no man!"  ??

Jer 17:5  “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD.

Have we not done the exact same thing?  The Lord is willing to come directly to each of us in our need to meet and and to exceed it, yet we rather trust in a man!  

The Lord says He will lead us and speak to us directly and teach us the way we are to go but our answer is "NO!  Thanks, but I have a man!"
Our reliance is in the arm of flesh and not in the leading ability of the Spirit of All Mighty God.  

The plan of God was for the Church in the Wilderness under Moses' leadership to go in and inherit the Promise Land, the land flowing with milk and honey.  Nope! they said!   We are no match for the inhabitants of this land and the walled cities.  They had unbelief in the ability of God to lead and they would rather trust a man!  10 faithless spies!

There are many who believe the Promise Land is heaven and the Jordan River is death.  Not so.  The Jordan River is the Baptism of the Spirit and the Promise Land is the land of inheritance where we fight giants, destroy the walled cities and set up the kingdom for the rule of David, our King.   Are we going to fight giants in heaven?  No! Besides all that, the earthly Kingdom of God will be established on this earth for 1,000 years with King David (Jesus) sitting on the throne in Jerusalem ruling the nations with a rod of iron!  The Kingdom of Heaven will come to earth.

Well, the Church of the Lukewarms can't say "they have no man".  We all have our "man" (pastor).  We have idolized them putting them on elevated pedestals of our worship and adoration.  We pay them homage and money!   We are men worshipers.  We don't need the Spirit of the Living God to lead us from within, for we get our instructions by sitting on padded pews!  We are not going to inherit the Promise Land because we are too busy building men's kingdom (pastor's kingdom)  and towers (denominations) that reach to heaven and a name for ourselves (Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal).  We are Spiritual Babylon!  Moses-worshippers, men pleasers, lukewarm followers of "our man".

Wake up and hear His knock on our door and open to Him and He will be the voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it!  He will be the "voice" and not someone else.

He would lead but who will follow?

Be blessed, Billy and Jan