Saturday, January 18, 2014

Source of Life

Water is a curious thing.  Without it we could live only 3 or so days.  Our lives are totally and completely centered around water.  Of course we think little about its necessity because we only have to turn on a tap and presto, we have water.  

Imagine with me for a minute if there were no water flowing from the tap.  If it required us hunting and searching for good water.  Or having to take bad water and purify it for drinking so we could live.  How drastically out lives would change.  No water no life.  No water no health.  No water no cleanliness.  No water would completely turn our lives upside down.  Without water we would have a bad day!

The central theme of all life as we know it is water, even spiritual life!  "If you knew who I was, you would ask and I would give, living water".  You see there is water to sustain life, which we drink naturally every day.  But then there is also a water that gives Life.  

There are billions in the world who drink to sustain their lives but who do not have the Living Water that gives true Life.  They have not been made to drink of that One Spirit that gives Life.

There are those that would like to explain all mankind to being saved, and to negate the possibility of anyone any where, Christian or not, of being lost.  But without this Living Water they do not have Everlasting Life.  

I will say it like Paul did without long dissertations:  If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.   Jesus told the woman at the well to ask for water from Him.  If she was saved without drinking of His Water then He sure wasted His breathe.  

Be blessed, Billy and Jan 

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