Saturday, August 27, 2016

Husbands Love Your Wife as Christ Loves the Church

It might be good for us to review a bit:

The Word says it is good for a man to NOT touch a woman. 

Now why would it say that?  Because men are turned on my sight and women are turned on by touch.  Oh! The Wisdom of God!  I don't touch women I am not married to because I believe His Word.

This verse was turning over in my mind today:  Husbands, love your wives like Christ loves the Church.  

In God's sight a husband and wife are one unit.  They are to work together to build a house to raise children in the respect and reverence of God. If we as parents do not teach our children about a living God by our lives with each other (husband and wife) how will they ever know God is real?   Dont tell me how much U love God if you dont have respect for your mate.   

A husband and a wife are a team.  It take hard work to make a team work right and it takes God's Spirit to teach us when we are not in harmony.  We practice being married....and practice and practice...with our foot on our own throats to hold ourselves down and under control.    

We love God when we love our mates correctly. Our prayers are hindered when we are not in harmony with our mates.  Harmony is both parties singing the same tune!  LOL  We each are our own person with our own desires and goals, but we set them aside to become a team...pulling in the same direction.  Each person on the team has the same weight, each person's thoughts, goals and desires are equally important to each of us.  We both give to get.  Remembering that love is the greatest force in the world.  I follow You because I love You.  

God took Eve from Adam's side, not from his head nor from his feet.  The wife is not above him and not to be under his feet.  But under his arm for protection.  Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church.

 We are to have a godly balance husbands and wives to manifest God in our own relationships.  We are the only Bible many men will ever read.  It is in our lives they are to see God.  Our children look for a living God in us.  How can we profess to know God and God is love when we fail to manifest Godly love to each other as a couple and before our kids?  

We all have dirty laundry but dont show the world your dirty laundry.  We all have a past, but remember God forgets our past and so should we of each other.  Never to be remembered against you again! 

Who is a God like you,
who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
of the remnant of his inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever
but delight to show mercy.
19You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

And lastly: by way of a reminder.

We were each given 2 ears and 1 mouth, for a reason.  We are to spend twice as much time listening are we are talking.  

Talking is like ping pong.  Many have never figured that out.  With respect you say something and then let me talk.  What I have to say is just as important to me as what you have to say is important to you.

I cant stand to talk to someone that will not give me equal time to talk.  It is proof positive when God has got a hold on you and you have surrendered to God when He controls our mouth.  People who talk too much are NOT under the control of the Spirit.  The Word says be ready to listen and slow to speak.  That is God's attitude about that matter.  

Well, there is much more but you might grow hard of hearing if I continue.  

BE blessed Bw and Jan

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