The following things all modern Christians should know about tithes or paying tithes:
1. Tithes were only paid to the Levites.
2. Tithes were only paid to the Levites when Israel was in their own land.
3. Only farmers and herdsmen paid the tithe.
4. The poor were exempted from the tithe. The 10th animal that passed under the rod, so a man with only 3 animals paid nothing.
5. The tithe was never paid in money.
6. Abraham only paid tithe one time on the spoils of of one war and not one cent of his own money.
7. Modern Israel does NOT pay the tithe today, because there is no Levite to receive it. The Jew is smarter about the tithe than most Christians.
8. Not one example exists where tithes were paid or collected by the Book of Acts Church.
9. Modern tithe paying in Christian church is disportionately a greater burden to the poor. A man who only earns $1,000 per month suffers more than a man who earns $10,000 per mon by being taxed 1/10.
10. A dead man is freed from the Law of the Tithe and we died in Christ. We are free and not under bondage of the tithe.
11. Tithing did not come to the Christian Church until 700 years after Calvary.
12. The New Testament Church is admonished to remember the poor, orphans and widows and no mention of the Church paying tithes is recorded in the entire New Testament.
13. If a pastor receives the tithe in money according to the Law of Moses then he violates the Law of the Tithe as only a Levite is commission by God to receive the tithe.
14. Malachi 3:6 is taken out of context. The New Testament Christian does not buy a blessing by paying tithes. We are blessed in Jesus because of Grace not buying a blessing.
15. Jesus never asked for nor received a tithe. He was from the tribe of Judah not Levite.
The modern practice of taxing the people of God under the burden of the so called "tithe" is not Biblical nor correctly dividing the Word of Truth, but is a perversion of the Good News. Remember the "poor" does not mean the "poor pastor".
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