All my "religious" life I was taught that to cross the muddy Jordan river and enter the Promise Land was to die and then go to heaven. That is what the Promise Land meant. No wonder with that mentality of false doctrine we are willing to stay in the "wilderness of religious worship" all our lives until we drop dead!
Israel was to go in and possess the Promise Land. To go in and take it by force! They were to kill all the inhabitants in war, all men, women, and children. Does that sound like heaven? There were walled cities to be conquered. Does that sound like heaven? There were giants to be killed. Does that sound like heaven? They were to conquer, possess, and utterly destroy the inhabitants by war. Does that sound like heaven to you?
Seems to me we missed the whole purpose of the lesson of Israel leaving Egypt and inheriting the Promise Land. We missed it so much that we have a "do nothing system" of padded pews and stained glass-preacher religion instead of the Spiritual Possession of the Promised Land of the Spirit-Led life.
The Promise Land is the land within each of us that we are to utterly conquer, every giant, walled city and destruction of all the inhabitants. (Bring every thought to captivity) We are to live in the Spirit-Led life without compromise to it's inhabitants. We are to take the land within ourselves so that our King Yeshua can rule on the throne of our hearts.
Instead, by our misunderstanding of the Promise Land we have grown rich, increased with goods and in need of nothing. We have become the Lukewarm Church of the 7th and last Church Age.
The Word describes it this way. Ever learning but never arriving to the truth. We "church" all our lives without the simple understanding the difference between the Moses/Pastor of going to church (Wilderness Christians) and the Promised Land of the Spirit Led life being the real church. Sad day!
What can you do? Allow the Lord to open the eyes of your understanding to know "churching" is not the be all end all of Christian living! Sitting on a padded pew and filling up the offering bucket and dancing around the golden calf of our "religious" system, Spiritual Babylon, was not what Jesus had in mind as he hung on the cross.
The Spirit-led life is your responsibility. Moses/pastor cannot take you in to possess the land. You must have another leader, Joshua/Jesus to take you in! Personal responsibility not "churchanity".
Be blessed, Billy and Jan