The Spirit of Babylon is man's united efforts led by Satan to thwart God in Judgement and Power.
Let's us make for ourselves a name: World Rulers and Denominations.
Let us build a tower to heaven: Escape God's judgement by our own method of salvation.
It will conclude with the Anti Christ and His false teacher ruling the world. Satan, man and religion all teamed up together for world rule and worship. (think about that)
Spirit of Babylon is rampant with idol worship. The worship of ANYTHING before God is idol worship. Aside from the fact that the Catholic Church is steeped in the worship of men and women in the form of statues/idols ( and we are daughters of the Mother Church) we too are involved in the spirit of idolatry not so much statues but attitudes: with the worship of men (preachers) denominations, and buildings all in the name of God.. The Spirit of Babylon and idol worship is firmly entrenched in the modern Church. (we just cant see it)
Just as Israel was allowed by God to go into captivity of Babylon because she would not follow God with a whole heart, we too have been in captivity of the Spirit of Babylon since the 3rd century BC. When Satan married the Church and darkness settled over our eyes.
While Israel was still captive by the Beast (the Golden Head and Silver chest) the call went out to rebuild the Temple. Most of Israel stayed in bondage while the rebuilding of the Temple began. So is it with the Church. God is restoring His people but only a few have come out of Her and ceased participating in Her sins. (We refuse to go to Him outside of the Camp and suffer His reproach. we love padded pews)
In the Last Days men will have a form of godliness but without power. Could anything be more obvious than the form of worship we have inherited from the fathers? We have reduced God worship to one hour on Sunday morning. Powerless to effect real change in a man's life.
Among the list of nations were the Ethiopians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, ... In many ancient cultures parents would sacrifice their own children. ... In times of of trouble they offered their best and dearest to the gods, 'the fruit of their body. We too offer our children upon the altars of abortion. The killing of children is the norm now in America. Babylon is both Spiritual and Natural, that is the deception.
The True Worship of God is not a place we go or a thing we do on a weekly schedule but rather complete and total being of the active presentation of self to God as only a reasonable sacrifice.
It is high time those that have ears to hear and eyes to see to come out of Her and stop participating in her sins. When we give our money and our allegiance to a system of idolatry we are active participants in Her sins.
Be blessed, Billy and Jan