Thursday, August 9, 2012

What is the real saving name?

Acts 26: 12  “And while I was going for this cause to Darmsuq with the authority and approval of The Chief Priests,” 13“At noonday, Oh, King, while on the road, I saw a light from the heavens greater than that of the sun, which burst upon me, and upon all who were with me.” 14And we all fell upon the ground, and I heard a voice, which said to me in Judean Aramaic, “Shaul, Shaul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick the goads.” 15“And I said, “Who are you my lord?” And our Lord said to me, 'I am Yeshua the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting.'   Acts 26: 12

Now, I have been questioned what difference does it make Yeshua or Jesus, since He knows who we are talking about?  Right you are, He knows what is in our hearts/minds before we speak.  What if we could not even speak His name at all, because we were unable to speak.  He still knows in whom we have believed, the point of our faith!

That is not my point.  My point is this:  If we are going to make a whole denomination on the "Name of Jesus" and tell men and women if they are not water baptized correctly "In the Name of Jesus" they cannot be saved then I believe we must examine our stance.  "Jesus" was not His name.  It is an English rendering of the Hebrew name Yeshua.  So if the correct name must be "mouthed" in water baptism for it to be correct then do it right and say "Yeshua"!  There was no "J" in any language until the 15th century.  That is my 2 cents on that!

So that you will see I am not "straining at a gnat"

As sure as you start saying "you must do this and that to be saved" enter into "troubling waters".  

(example)  You must be circumcised to be saved:  

Phil 3:2 New Living Translation (©2007)
Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved.

The Sin Debt

I went to the bank and borrowed $1,000 and signed a contract agreeing to pay back the $1,000 in a certain period of time.  I understood that I had a debt to pay.   

The time came for the debt to be paid and I could not pay it.  I had a debt I could not pay.

So my dad agreed to go to the bank and pay my debt for me.  He agreed to pay the Banker $1,000 and the Banker agreed to accept $1,000 as payment in full for my debt.

But before my dad could get to the bank with the money, I decided to come up with the money and pay the debt myself.  I went to the Banker with money in hand to pay my $1,000 debt and he told me that the debt for "me" was no long just $1,000 but I was in debt to the bank for ever and ever, time without end.  I could never pay my debt off no matter how much I paid. 

I asked, What about the "contract" that say my debt was $1,000 only and if I paid it or my dad paid it it was the same amount.  The Banker said no, if your dad pays it is $1,000 but if you attempt to pay you can never pay it off...ever in a million billion years, time without end.  

I protested the unfairness of this policy of the bank and asked to have the judge hear my case.  The judge agreed with me that the debt was $1,000 whether my dad paid it or if I paid it the price is the same!  $1,000 was all the debt was because the "contract" stated so.

I have said that to says this:  I had a sin debt that I could not pay.  My Father paid the debt in full for me.  But suppose that I had decided not to accept my Father's payment on my debt and decided to pay my own debt.  Is the debt price different because I pay and not my Father?  No the "contract" say that "the wage of sin is death".  Not the wages of sin is eternal payment for ever time without end for a million billion years.  The debt my Father paid for me is the exact same debt I would have to pay for myself should I choose for Him not to pay and I, myself will pay.  The wages of sin is death.  Did my Father pay the debt if full when He died upon the cross?  The answer is YES!  Did my Father pay over and over again time without end suffering and burning in torments for my sin debt?  The answer is NO!  Because if the debt for sin was death and Jesus paid that price then those that choose to pay their own sin debt will die.  They will not be force to  pay a different amount forever and ever.

Now, if that is not true, here is where you can help me:  If the consequence of sin (sin debt) to to burn forever and ever in eternal torments time without end...then I propose Jesus DID NOT pay the sin debt for anyone.  Why? Because He is not currently twisting in the flames!  Since the "contract" says death is the price...then the price is death for Him or for me.  Help me see the error in my logic, please.  BW