Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Q: Why dont you attend church somewhere?

I am very glad you asked....how can two walk together except they agree?

1. I dont agree with padded pews and preachers salaries, mega churches, huge buildings and waste of God's money and building men's kingdoms.

2. Not one commission in the Bible for us to build buildings and pay professionals.

3. The commission in the Bible was to feed and support the poor, orphans and widows.

4. The clergy are not to "rule over or lord" over the laity, for God hated the class system in the "modern church". doctrine of the Nicolaitans (clergy rule over laity).

5. Most importantly : the day is coming and now is when you will neither worship in the mountain or in Jerusalem ( You will not go anywhere to worship) but you will worship in Spirit and Truth. What liberty! John 4:21

6. The first church in the Book of Acts met house to house to eat a meal.

7. It is impossible to go "what" we are. We are the body of Christ the Church, His called out ones. We can not go to a place called the church when we are the Church.

8. There is no Temple, Sanctuary, Holy Place, Holy platform, holy pulpit any longer nor men in priest robes pretending to be priest or holy men of God! We don't go to a longitude or latitude to worship but we worship in Attitude, (spirit and truth).

9. I am very much against the sects and divisions of the Body of Christ caused by "demon" nations (denomination). Is Christ divided? I am Baptist, I am Methodist, I am Pentecostal.

There is much more but I don,t want to bore you. LOL